Consciousness, Understanding, and Appreciation for Military Veterans and Their Families
Moving Past PTSD
Lieutenant Colonel, USAF (ret) Jaime B. Parent has not only been an advocate for veterans, he has been one of the movers and shakers in rethinking and recreating organizations and gathering resources to treat returning veterans and their families as individuals each of whose return to civilian life confronts unique challenges.
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Jaime B. Parent
Why do 22 veterans commit suicide every day? Why is the veteran umemployment rate above the general population rate? Why do military personnel redeploy to the battlefield, one, two, three times or more? How do solve the problems with access to healthcare, inadequate housing, lack of education and general bias against our military veterans. Through extensive interviews with men, women and trans veterans, this book gives a well researched and a solutions based approach as to what is truly going on with our returning warriors and how you can use the principles in this book to make a difference in their lives every day.

Lieutenant Colonel, USAF (ret) Jaime B. Parent has not only been an advocate for veterans, he has been one of the movers and shakers in rethinking and recreating organizations and gathering resources to treat returning veterans and their families as individuals each of whose return to civilian life confronts unique challenges.The ultimate method
This seminal book reveals the truth of the matter in ways no other piece on war’s aftermath has undertaken….And how very refreshing that LTC (RET) Parent has not strayed from the bona fide facts of recent wars; that military might remains handcuffed by political correctness, allowing evil to proliferate both across the pond and on US soil. Plainly and simply, this book nails it. Anyone who has worn the uniform in time of war must make this required reading. That’san order!
This book offers a compelling and personal look at the varied experiences of veterans after returning from our most recent wars. Through narrative and personal stories, it conveys the critical role and power of human connection and meaningful work in making the transition back.